
What You Need To Know About Seeking Damages After An Auto Accident


Unfortunately, auto accidents happen daily, and when they occur, people get injured. Because of this, it's important to understand what rights you have immediately following a car accident that caused your injuries. This way, you can determine whether or not you want to speak to an auto accident attorney about filing a personal injury lawsuit against the at-fault driver. Filing an Insurance Claim If you were injured as a result of a car wreck, you should report the incident to your car insurance company as soon as possible so that the company can begin working on your insurance claim.

19 November 2015

Are You A Medical Malpractice Victim? Know These 3 Things


When you go under the knife for surgery, your life will be in your doctor's hands. You must completely trust them to provide you the medical care that you need. Unfortunately, it is possible for a medical professional to be neglectful or incompetent when performing their job. When this happens, you can file a medical malpractice claim against the person that harmed you. Before doing so, there are 3 things you'll need to know.

17 November 2015

3 Communication Tips For Divorced Parents During The Back-To-School Season


School supplies abound and the first signs of fall are showing, and that can only mean one thing: back-to-school season. As you navigate your child's return to the daily grind, meeting new teachers and deciding between the debate team or drama club, use these three tips to keep the peace between you and your ex-spouse. 1. Keep It Civil Okay, so this applies all the time, but it's a good idea to stop and remind yourself that getting angry or making snide comments doesn't get you anywhere.

14 August 2015

3 Ways To Start Estate Planning At A Young Age


Estate planning might seem like something you do later in life, but there are actually many benefits to beginning the process at a younger age. Accidents can happen at any age, so don't assume that it is something you should leave for retirement or if you get seriously ill. Here are some things you can do now to start preparing your estate. Choose Your Power of Attorney The first thing you should do when you are planning you estate at a young age is to choose a power of attorney.

12 August 2015

3 Rules To Living Together Through A Legal Separation


Some couples who are legally separated are not financially able to live in different homes. If you and your spouse fit this category, you have to learn to live together amicably until the divorce is finalized. Here are some tips to help you and your spouse co-exist under the same roof while legally separated.  Create a Plan for Daily Interactions When your relationship is over, communicating with each other can sometimes be difficult.

7 August 2015

Tips To Prepare For A Restraining Order Hearing


As a victim of domestic violence, you have the right to take legal action to prevent future abuse. One of the first acts you should take is to obtain a restraining order. When you request the restraining order, a hearing will be scheduled for both you and the accused to appear. To increase your odds of getting your request approved by a judge, it is important you prepare for the hearing.

6 August 2015

When "I Didn't Do It" Just Won't Do: Defense Options For Assault Charges


If you find yourself facing charges for assault, you'll want to talk with a criminal defense attorney about the best approach to your legal defense. If the prosecution has solid evidence that you committed the crime, you probably can't go into court trying to claim that you didn't do it. Instead, you'll want to create a reasonable defense that justifies what happened. Here are some defense ideas your attorney may consider.

5 August 2015

Tips For Understanding Fault In A Slip And Fall Case


Fault may seem obvious if you slip or trip and hurt yourself when at a commercial establishment. Most people immediately assume the business is to blame. This may not be the case, depending on where, how, and why the accident occurred. The following guide can help you better understand who may be liable for your accident. Who Can Be Liable? There is no single answer to this question, since each accident is different.

2 August 2015

This Is B2B, Not C2C! Different Types Of Documentation And Discovery For Commercial Litigation


Commercial litigation is different than other types of lawsuits. In personal injury cases and other types of similar litigation, one of the parties is an individual or a family, and other parties may comprise businesses, government agencies or some other type of organizational office. Commercial litigation is a little different--if you're involved in commercial litigation, or contemplating this type of lawsuit, read on to discover some of the ways that lawyers work through a commercial litigation case and achieve resolution that is fair and equitable to both parties.

31 July 2015

Are You A Good Candidate For Amicable Divorce?


An amicable divorce is a noble goal, but it's also a difficult one. Ending a relationship is often emotionally fraught; add to that the legal complexity of divorce, and you can see why amicable divorces are not more common. But when they are possible, they have a host of benefits. They are generally faster and less stressful than adversarial divorces, and they are less expensive as well. So is an amicable divorce right for you?

31 July 2015